Legislative Action Team - Call To Action

MeckGOP Legislative Action Team

An activist team monitoring and challenging challenging local, state and federal legislative bodies on policies contrary to conservative values, informing conservatives, collaborating with like-minded groups in Mecklenburg County to bring about change, and making Calls to Action to influence policy.  For more information on our local and state government legislative bodies and how to get involved:


Get involved and influence local politically driven policies in our County, City and Schools.  Attend or tune-in to legislative body meetings to be informed and speak up.  All meetings are held at the Government Center, 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202.
Mecklenburg County
Regular meetings of the Board are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m.  To speak at a Board meeting sign up with the Clerk to the Board upon entry to the meeting.  For more details: http://www.mecknc.gov/CountyManagersOffice/BOCC/Clerk/Documents/Public%20Appearance%20Policy.pdf
City of Charlotte
Regular meetings are held the first, second and third Mondays of the month at 5 p.m. with public comment permitted at Council Business Meetings conducted on the 2nd Monday of the month.  For information on how to speak at a Council Business Meeting: https://charlottenc.gov/cityclerk/pages/speak.aspx
Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Board (CMS)
The Board of Education holds regular monthly meetings, open to the public, on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6 p.m.  To speak during Public Hearings, the first Tuesday meeting of the month, email [email protected] by noon of the day of the meeting. 
Information available on Municipality websites.


From the MeckGOP Legislative Action Team - please share with your networks


Change of Date


Next meeting 03/27/2023 6:30 pm

Don Pedro – University

1009 Chancellor Park Drive
Charlotte, NC 28213

Don Pedro Mexican Food restaurant at the UniversityDon Pedro Mexican Food Restaurant (donpedrorestaurant.com)


rsvp to [email protected]



We will discuss our plan of action to monitor the City, County, School Board and the State House and Senate decisions that affect Mecklenburg Count and continue to hold the elected officials accountable for their actions.


Karen Henning

Legislative Action Team Chair








Volunteer with the Legislative Action Team
