Registered Republican voters comprise approximately 20% of registered voters in Mecklenburg County. The alarming consequences of liberal policies in an urban core are all too well known as we look at major cities such as Chicago, New York City, Portland and Seattle with their high crime rates, deteriorating education opportunities, high unemployment and poverty. As Republicans, we must counter liberal policies and unchecked power in Mecklenburg County by advancing our candidates and educating all voters. We must promote Republican values and policies and organize for success. There is more at stake than simple party affiliation.
This is why we launched RED U – Republicans Educating Democrats and Unaffiliateds. The time to move Mecklenburg county towards red is NOW. Although the MeckGOP increased County Republican votes in the 2020 election by 12% more than the RNC needed to carry North Carolina, it is critical we drastically alter the current voting direction of Mecklenburg County. We can do this by promoting Republican core values with a robust program focused on:
- Effective Communication & Voter Engagement
- Neighborhood Outreach
- Strategic Messaging
- Sustainability & Accountability
We know we can organize for success and have a more inclusive and transparent Party structure, a strategically and hands-on trained volunteer base and a general public sensitive to core Republican values as an alternative to liberal chaos. We invite you to learn more about our Republicans Educating Democrats & Unaffiliateds (RED U) plan and how you can be part of moving Mecklenburg County to red.
Click on any of the RED U plans to learn more!
You can read about our MeckGOP mission/values here. Special thanks to the administration of Chris Turner for the adoption of the mission/values.