Americans Reject Democrat's Radical Tax & Spending Plans

Americans Reject Democrat's Radical Tax & Spending Plans
  • According to a CBS/YouGov poll, a majority of the American people think Democrats' radical $3.5 trillion tax and spending scheme will hurt or have no effect on their family.
    • 33% of Americans believe the bill would hurt them and their families, while 31% believe it would have no effect.
    • A dismal 36% of Americans believe the bill would help them.
  • It's not just the bill's astronomical cost that's a problem, it's the substance too. Americans reject the tenants of Democrats' socialist spending scam:
    • Tax hikes on those making as little as $50,000 a year.
    • An IRS spying scheme.
    • Halts on new U.S. oil and gas drilling.
    • Energy hikes that will raise your utility bills.
    • Mass amnesty.
    • Tax breaks for Democrats' allies in the media.
    • Trillions in new spending, including for free community college.
    • And that's just the beginning: If Bernie Sanders, AOC, and far-left Democrats on Capitol Hill get their way, this bill will drastically impact hardworking Americans.
  • It will potentially:
  • Under this spending spree, the Joint Committee on Taxation projects families who earn just $50,000 a year will pay more in taxes, breaking Biden's pledge to not increase taxes on people earning less than $400,000 per year.
  • Worse yet for the Democrats, Joe Biden's job approval numbers are tanking:
    • Just 38% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance.
    • Only 25% approve of his handling of immigration.
    • Less than 2 in 5 Americans support his handling of the economy.
  • The American people are rejecting Biden's radical spending plans just like they are rejecting his failed leadership as President. Biden should take the hint and reject the far-left radicals who are running his party.