NCGOP Talking Points: Beasley Is Too Extreme For North Carolina
Beasley Is Too Extreme For North Carolina
- Make no mistake, Cheri Beasley is a far-left radical who supports policies that will only hurt police, families, and small businesses.
Beasley would vote to make North Carolina and America less safe.
Beasley has a history of downplaying and dismissing the violent summer protests (riots) in 2020.
- She seems to think that violent riots and looting are not a "real issue."
- Beasley said we must "recognize the legitimate pain" of rioters while discussing destroyed businesses and towns.
- These riots cost taxpayers millions of dollars in police overtime and recourses.
- Not to mention the livelihoods destroyed and lasting damages to the public peace.
- Beasley's own website says she supports "ending the cash bail system."
Beasley has a history of downplaying and dismissing the violent summer protests (riots) in 2020.
- Beasley accepted an endorsement from a PAC that supports anti-police radicals.
The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association actually reversed it's support for Beasley and endorsed Ted Budd.
- As NCPBA David Rose President put it: "A vote for Ted Budd is a vote for the men and women of law enforcement and the citizens they serve...we need a Senator who has our backs and not someone who is supported by Defund the Police activists."
- Beasley's claims that she stands with law enforcement and small businesses are just empty rhetoric, which is why law enforcement is endorsing Ted Budd.
The Green Agenda that is attacking American energy and your family budget? Cheri Beasley supports it 100%
- Beasley boasts about being a champion of 'Environmental Justice' on her campaign website.
- She embraces the same asinine 'Zero-Emissions' Green Agenda policies that have Californians paying $7/gallon for gas, in addition to their rolling blackouts.
- She'd vote to make fuel and food even MORE expensive and scarce to rubber-stamp Biden's Green Agenda.
- Cheri Beasley is too extreme for North Carolina.
Courtesy of NCGOP