NCGOP Talking Points: Sample Letter to the Editor, Parents Rights

NCGOP Talking Points: Sample Letter to the Editor, Parents Rights

As you well know, Parents' Rights in Education is a pivotal issue concerning voters across the state and nation. From curriculum integrity and transparency, to health and safety, Parents deserve to know that family comes first when it comes to their children's public education.

Currently, legislation to protect parents' rights is active in the North Carolina General Assembly and U.S. House of Representatives. It is as important as ever to advance the winning arguments behind securing these Family First solutions.

Below you will find a sample letter to the editor making this argument, as well as sample social media posts to spread among your social media networks. Please let us know if NCGOP Communications can help you with messaging and/or media in your region.

Sample LTE: Parents Deserve a Say in their Children's Education

There is no greater advocate for a child's education than his or her parents.

But unfortunately, after years of authoritarian school lockdowns, falling academic performance, and all-powerful union bosses and "woke" administrators prioritizing indoctrination over the needs of the students they serve, the rights of parents to have a say in their child's education is under attack like never before.

Since taking office, it's no secret that Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats right here in North Carolina have declared a war on American students and parents. In just two years, the Bidenadministration compared concerned parents at school board meetings to "domestic terrorists," colluded with teachers' union bosses to keep schools locked down, and forced draconian measures on learning that left students far behind.

In fact, HALF of America's students have fallen below grade level in at least one subject and a "national state of emergency" was declared by the American Academy of Pediatrics over pandemic-related mental health concerns in schools.

Republicans are fighting back. Entrusted with bold leadership for the Great State of North Carolina, the expanded Republican majority in the N.C. General Assembly is advancing legislation to further define and codify the rights of North Carolina parents when it comes to their children's education. In Washington, the new House Republican majority continues to advance a future built on freedom — protecting the rights of all Americans — and making sure every student can succeed. House Republicans introduced a "Parents' Bill of Rights," which cements legal protections for parents when it comes to their children's education, and are working to recover lost learning from Democrat-mandated school closures, expand choice so more than a million additional students can receive an education that works for them, and defend fairness by ensuring only biological women are competing in women's sports.

There's a reason why polling shows Americans trust Republicans more than Democrats when it comes to education. It's because when it comes to performance, school choice, and parents' rights, they know Republicans are committed to putting Family First.
Courtesy of NCGOP