The MeckGOP will never forget


The MeckGOP will never forget

Twenty years ago our world changed forever. 

We saw the best and worst that day. We watched in disbelief, we cried, we hugged our loved ones and strangers alike and we mourned.

And yet, we resolved to be a united America.

For those of us that witnessed such an unspeakable day, we will never forget.

For those of us that still suffer from the memories of such great loss and trauma, we continue to seek peace and resolution.

We will never forget the sacrifices made - from innocent victims to brave first responders. We recognize the years of pain that will never fully heal our hearts. It is our hope that all future generations of proud Americans never forget the cowardice by the terrorists or the resounding grit of our nation. We forever owe a debt of gratitude to our first responders and enlisted military that especially rose to the challenge and answered the call of duty after that fateful September day.

As President George W. Bush loudly proclaimed, "I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!"

America always proves its resiliency and resolve for a better world. In our hearts of hearts, we believe that we can continue to have better days with a brighter hope for our nation's future, built on the foundation of the horrific sacrifices of September 11, 2001.

Today, and always, the MeckGOP will never forget.